Approval by the LBA as manufacturing organisation according to Part 21 G
Premium AEROTEC has the approval by the German Federal Aviation Authority to operate as manufacturing organisation and to manufacture the corresponding products, parts and equipment according to the scope of approval.

Approval by the German Military Aviation Authority as aviation company for aeronautical equipment for the Federal Armed Forces
Premium AEROTEC has obtained an approval from the German Military Aviation Authority to operate as aviation company. This enables the company to produce and to maintain aeronautical equipment for the Federal Armed Forces defined in the approval list according to the applicable requirements.

Certificate as authorised economic operator (AEO)
Premium AEROTEC has the status of the "authorised economic operator" at all German sites. This customs approval is associated with maximum simplifications in terms customs clearance of the imported and exported goods and thus serves for the protection of the entire international supply chain.

EN 9100:2018 quality management system certificate
Premium AEROTEC has an EN 9100:2018 certified quality management system for all sites. It serves for the consistent presentation of company's process and customer orientation.

Premium AEROTEC's self-reporting
The attached questionnaire is used by Premium AEROTEC for self-reporting on its quality management system. It provides a brief presentation of the company as a whole and gives an insight into the company data, products and quality assurance.

Akkreditierung des Prüflaboratoriums gemäß DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
Das Prüflaboratorium von Premium AEROTEC am Standort Augsburg ist entsprechend der DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 akkreditiert. Die akkreditierten Prüfverfahren sind den Anlagen zur Akkreditierungsurkunde zu entnehmen. Damit wird eine gleichbleibend hohe Qualität der akkreditierten Prüfverfahren gewährleistet.